Thank you for helping reach Tarija, Bolivia with the Gospel!
To God be the Glory.
Missions in Tarija

Our mission is to be fervent in our purpose of sharing Christ and letting Christ being known. Sharing Christ through service, living in community and opening our homes and lives to others. That Christ may come to be known by the way we love one another through actions and words, the harmony and unity we demonstrate, and the compassion, hope and grace we give. We desire to have Christ as our center of our actions and teachings. We want to create bridges between those who do have and those who don't so that gifts and goods may be used to bless the whole. We want to be a church that focuses outward and is active in the community without any other motive but to actively be compassionate and show love.
Our aim is to open the doors of our homes (physically and metaphorically) to nationals and foreigners and also take time with them outside our homes, whether by going out to coffee together, connecting with other families and parents through our kid's activities, forming trusting relationships with the people who run the small corner store, getting involved with local educational or community service programs, etc. Also we plan on opening another "El Camino" (the Way, from John 14:6). This is a place of gathering used as a contact center that is set up as a free coffee shop. It was a great evangelistic tool in Sucre and we hope to see it work in Tarija. People feel comfortable dropping in and doing homework or asking questions and all know they are welcome no matter why they come in.
Our desire is to be intentional in forming connections and growing friendships that will blossom because of Christ's love. We will meet in a house church in the beginning or in the contact center "El Camino" to create a foundation of intimacy and familiarity among the new believers and also form small groups so that people can grow in their knowledge of God and community connections can be strengthened.
We recognize that mission work usually needs to be seen in the long term and our plan is to stay until the church is in a good place to be self sustaining. Our goal is to stay between 10-15 years, God willing. Although it can differ and people have different opinions, some view the stages of missions in the following way: the learning years- when the missionaries learn (1-3); the growth years- the years when there is usually the most growth of new members (4-8); the maturing years (8-12); preparing the church for autonomy years- when missionaries take a more encouragement and counseling role and less of a leadership role (10-15).
"God wanted to make the glorious riches of this secret plan known among the Gentiles, which is Christ living in you, the hope of glory. This is what we preach as we warn and teach every person with all wisdom so that we might present each one mature in Christ. I work hard and struggle for this goal with His energy, which works in me powerfully."
Colossians 1: 27-29
The Cabrera and Myers families will be arriving in Tarija, Bolivia end of February. The Torres will be joining them around May when they finish their time with the mission team in Manta, Ecuador. After arriving the families will get settled and while doing that will be in prayer and opening themselves to seeing the city and the people around them with eyes focused on Christ. Our goal the first few months is to humbly get to know the city and culture, reminding ourselves that we are new here and that thing run a different way and that the people around us are different also. We want to fall in love with Tarija- the people, the place, the food and see the differences as a blessing of diversity not as something to fight against.