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¨But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, ´How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!´¨
- Romans 10:14-15
We need Senders! Please consider ways that YOU can help us bring the Gospel to Tarija, Bolivia.
Although money should never be the focus, it is a reality for all in ministry and can be a blessing in teaching humility, generosity and in forming partnerships in Christ's Church and the shared focus on the hope that is to come. We are confident that there are people seeking God in Tarija and we are called to go into the whole world.
We have a unique team in that there will be one overseeing congregation over the whole team (which simplifies things and makes unity in the work easier as each family will not have it´s own supporting congregation with different expectations or different thoughts) and we will raise money as a whole team (each family will not raise its own monthly funds). We are blessed by having the South Gate Church of Christ in San Angelo, Texas once again be our overseeing congregation. Their elders and missions committee is focused on spreading the Gospel and are dedicated to prayer and are wise in their handling of situations. Also a big contributor of the team is the Center St. Church of Christ in Fayetteville, AR. Both of the churches supported the work in Sucre from it's beginning in 2007- present day and are faithful supporters of the work and team.
Please prayerfully consider being a part of this work. One time, one time yearly, and monthly support is all needed and greatly appreciated.

The Team's Needs
1. Financial Support for the Team from individuals and churches
2. Prayers as we prepare to transition to the field
Because of the change from Argentina to Bolivia and the change that does to our financial needs, we are happy to announce that as of February 2021 the team has full monthly and one-time support for the mission!
This is possible through the continued support of those who are currently supporting the work.
We are still looking for support for the working fund which will make having a contact center "El Camino" possible.
Please email us to receive more information.
“If the Great Commission is true, our plans are not too big; they are too small.”
― Pat Morley

Church of Christ
Southgate Church of Christ is our overseeing church in this mission. Having worked with us for more than a decade, the bond and confidence is great.
Please visit their website to get to know them better and for contact information (click the link below).
Missions, like Christianity, is a group effort and we could not do what we do without the help and prayers of so many people and churches.
We are blessed by the truly wonderful supporters who are involved with us in growing the Kingdom in Bolivia.
We are ever grateful to the past supporters, the one time and continuous support so that we can continue to spread the Gospel. God sees you.
- Southgate Church of Christ,
San Angelo TX.
-Center St. Church of Christ, Fayetteville, Ar.
- Richland Church of Christ,
Richland, WA.
- S. Gray
- T. & S. Lanning
To all the many past supporters, the one time and the anonymous supporters, we thank you.
Thanks for Choosing to Support El Camino Ministries!
Southgate Church of Christ
has partnered with us as our Overseeing Congregation
If you are interested in supporting the work of Christ through El Camino Ministries please send your tax deductible gift to:
Southgate Church of Christ
528 Country Club Rd
San Angelo, TX 76904
Earmark for Argentina Missions